Lundhags manufactures functional boots and outdoor clothing that last a long time. All in order for the customer’s nature experience to be as good as possible, and preferably a memory for life. The company was founded 1932 by cobbler Jonas Lundhag.
– Our key to success, is that we use proven and really good materials, says Mats Håkan Lundhag, product manager at the company and grandson of the founder.
The company has collaborated with Brunner for many years. According to Mats Håkan, Brunner is important for the Swedish shoe industry.
– They have a broad portfolio of products, machines and services. They offer good support in terms of spare parts and service, and generally got great competence and know-how. It simply feels secure to work with Brunner. It’s always easy to pick up the phone and discuss problems and opportunities with their employees, he says.
For a few years now, Lundhags has chosen to use Brunner’s patented material –LIBA® Smart – as a component in many of their shoes.
– LIBA® Smart is a technical “rubber” with very good adhesive properties that meets our high demands on quality, service life and durability. I see LIBA® Smart as an environmentally safe material for the future, says Mats Håkan.